Passionately Pink for the Cure

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women and has touched the lives of many of us at Atlantic, from our employees to our tenants and even our customers. It’s for this reason that in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month our locations across the country helped raise awareness in many different ways.

The pink ribbon is considered an international symbol of breast cancer awareness, so at Atlantic we became passionately pink for the cure. Atlantic supplied every employee with a pink lanyard they had the option to wear along with a change in their standard uniform – wearing a pink blouse or pink tie – throughout the month of October. Many locations found very creative ways to bring awareness, such as offering pink candy and treats, turning regular lemonade into pink lemonade, and making pink ribbons for our customers to wear.

Cassandra, Customer Service Manager at Santa Barbara (SBA), participates in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk every year in Las Vegas, NV. This year marks the 6th consecutive year she’s been walking along with her very close friend who is a breast cancer survivor for 5 years now. Together they create a team and raise funds that funnel to the American Cancer Society to fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and provide patient services.

Breast cancer awareness is important because it focuses on education and early detection of breast cancer in both men and women. The earlier breast cancer can be found, the easier it is to treat. At Atlantic, we are dedicated to continuing to raise awareness of breast cancer every year in honor of all of the fighters, all of the survivors, and especially for the ones who have lost their battle too soon.